
119049, Москва, ул. Большая Якиманка дом 35 стр. 1
тел. +7(495)728-36-44

Lawyer Makarov Viacheslav

Makarov&partners law office protects the interests of foreign citizens in the field of criminal law.

Our defense attorneys protect the rights of the foreign citizens in the courts of Russia.

Crimes and the consequences for violating the law are regulated by Russian Penal Code. The attorneys of our Law Office help clients to protect their interests, and present their case to the law in a way that the best resolution can be achieved.

Makaroff&partners law team has major experience in following criminal law cases involving foreign citizens, we always provide every available legal defense for a foreign client. Our criminal defense attorneys work to make either interests of the clients or the letter of Russian law highly respected.

Speaking about criminal proceedings involving foreign citizens we can reveal such important lacks as insufficient knowledge of Russian penal code and inability to get qualified legal protection in time. Our lawyers in Russia provide legal services either when foreign citizens become a victim of a criminal offence of when they are involved in the court case as a defendant.

Which criminal court cases do we specialize in?

In our legal practice, we usually follow criminal court cases of foreigners who have been injured or lost their relatives in traffic accidents, have come across fraud actions of real estate agents or Russian business partners or have been accused of historical artifacts smuggling and other crimes.

One of the most important problem the foreign citizens may come across during court proceedings-is the travel ban and arrest. As a result a foreign national accused of a crime does not have a permission to cross the borders of Russia. This measure usually takes place for security reasons in order to avoid a possibility of escape. Our attorneys provide such services as submitting appeals against travel ban and imprisonment.

The main purpose of the attorney is to protect the client from unfair prosecution and restrictions of rights and freedom, so a competent lawyer should know all the details of the Russian Penal Code and constantly follow all the latest amendments. It is common knowledge that every criminal court case is very individual and requires detailed research and mutual understanding and honesty with the customer in order to achieve good results.

Therefore, our specialists always arrange the preliminary meeting with the client, collect all the necessary information and take some time for a detailed investigation. After that, we discuss all the possible outcomes and measures, without giving any false promises. Our first consultation and preparatory investigation are free of charge. Our attorneys guarantee professional services, affordable prices and total confidentiality for every client.

Lawyer Makarov Viacheslav

phone: +7(495)728-36-44
WhatsApp: +7(901)528-36-44 
Skype: advokatmakarov